Are You The Beneficiary Of A Trust Left By A Loved One? Here Are A Few Tax Concerns To Remember

Most people think of being left with a trust fund as a beneficiary must be an awesome thing that sets you on the path of easy street. However, inheriting any large sum of money can bring about a lot of headaches that you would not otherwise have. If you are the beneficiary of a trust that has been left to you by a loved one, you will be facing some financial moves that you are responsible for taking but don't know about, especially where tax filing is concerned. Read More 

Should You Hire A Staff Bookkeeper Or Contract Out Your Small Business Accounting Needs?

If you're like many business owners, you may find accounting, payroll, and tax reporting to be the most tedious or challenging parts of your job. And while some proprietors are fortunate enough to have a spouse, sibling, or adult child who enjoys bookkeeping and is willing to perform these services for a pittance, in many cases, you'll find yourself facing the decision of whether to hire a staff bookkeeper or find an accountant or firm to help you with these needs. Read More